Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Institute webpage

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Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute

Benjamin Franklin Transatlantic Fellows Summer Institute (BFTF) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The Institute offers a combination of interactive classes, seminars, workshops, webinars, and teleconferences presented by prominent scholars and specialists in international relations, diplomacy, communication, media, civic education, and science.

The program will consist of five modules, each representing a component of Benjamin Franklin’s legacy:

  1. International Relations & Diplomacy Module
  2. Media & Communication Module
  3. Civic Education & Democratic Citizenship Module
  4. Science Module
  5. Service & Volunteerism Module

Each module is comprised of a set of thematic presentations, workshops, seminars, panel discussions, site visits, and other interactive activities, conducted by highly qualified faculty, graduate students, and area specialists.

Goals for the Institute are:

  • To introduce Fellows to Benjamin Franklin’s ideas and legacy;
  • To promote mutual understanding and civic responsibility among young Americans and Europeans;
  • To encourage Fellows to establish strong linkages between nations and cultures;
  • To develop commitment to cooperation and mutual respect;
  • To cultivate relationships among individuals from different cultural backgrounds and to promote diversity;
  • To develop a sense of democratic local, national, and global citizenship among Fellows;
  • To encourage Fellows to implement in their communities the new knowledge and skills acquired during the Institute; and
  • To introduce European Fellows to American culture, education, and everyday lives of American families.
Participating organizations:

Interested European fellows should contact the U.S. Embassy/Consulate in your country for application.